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Hadi once ogren de gel. Sen sadece ezbercisin.

Sen sadece felsefecisin. Epistemolojiyle olmuyor bu işler. Maymun kelimesi, insanın dahil olduğu Homo cinsini de içeren bir üst kimliktir.

Al oku:

The simians are the "higher primates" familiar to most people: the Old World monkeys and apes, including humans, and the New World monkeys or platyrrhines.

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Sen sadece felsefecisin. Epistemolojiyle olmuyor bu işler. Maymun kelimesi, insanın dahil olduğu Homo cinsini de içeren bir üst kimliktir.

Al oku:

The simians are the "higher primates" familiar to most people: the Old World monkeys and apes, including humans, and the New World monkeys or platyrrhines.

Genus ne demek?

Once bir seyi ogren ve bil ezberleme.


   [jee-nuhs] Show IPA

noun, plural gen·e·ra  [jen-er-uh] Show IPA, ge·nus·es.


Biology . the usual major subdivision of a family or subfamily in the classification of organisms, usually consisting of more than one species.


Logic . a class or group of individuals, or of species of individuals.


a kind; sort; class.

Belki mankindin ne oldugunu simdi daha net algilarsin.

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Belki mankindin ne oldugunu simdi daha net algilarsin.

Mindkind kelimesini kullanamazsın. Biyolojik bir tartışmada kullanırsan gülerler. Human species diyeceksin. Genus species'in bir üstündeki, family'nin bir altındaki rütbedir. Bunun tartışması olmaz.

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Mindkind kelimesini kullanamazsın. Biyolojik bir tartışmada kullanırsan gülerler. Human species diyeceksin. Genus species'in bir üstündeki, family'nin bir altındaki rütbedir. Bunun tartışması olmaz.

Hadi once okuluna girt te bir seyler ogren. Cunku bosuna laf olsun diye yazi yaziyorsun. Ama ben bundan sonra sana icerigi olmayan yazilarina yanit vermeyecegim.

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Hadi once okuluna girt te bir seyler ogren. Cunku bosuna laf olsun diye yazi yaziyorsun. Ama ben bundan sonra sana icerigi olmayan yazilarina yanit vermeyecegim.

Zorla Ad-hominem yaptıracaksınız adama yahu. Haci sana kızarken resmen haklıymış. Sen bu başlığın ilk sayfalarında evrimi bilmediğini kendin itiraf etmedin mi? Çehov bile senden daha iyi bilir.

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Bak ogren mankind ne imis.

man·kind (mnknd)


1. The human race; humankind. See Usage Note at man.

2. Men as opposed to women.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


mankind [ˌmænˈkaɪnd]


1. human beings collectively; humanity

2. men collectively, as opposed to womankind

Usage: Some people object to the use of mankind to refer to all human beings and prefer the term humankind

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003



See also anthropology;race;women.


the study of the customs of uncivilized people, usually on the com-parative level. — agriologist, n. — agriological, adj.


the theory that human beings lack a spiritual nature; animality. — animalist, n. — animalistic, adj.


an animal with a tongue like that of man, as the parrot.


the branch of anthropology that describes the varieties of mankind and their geographical distribution. — anthropographer, n. — an- thropographic, adj.


a creature resembling man, as an ape. — anthropoid, — anthropoidal, adj.


the study of the origins, development, racial and social character, and beliefs of mankind. — anthropologist, n. — anthropological, adj.


Rare. the branch of anthropology that studies the interrelation of the laws regulating human behavior and environment. Also anthroponomics. — anthroponomist, n. — anthroponomical, adj.


of insects, attracted to human beings.


an abnormal fear of people.


a movement developed from theosophy by Rudolf Steiner, Austrian social philosopher, to develop the faculty of cognition and the awareness of spiritual reality, — anthroposophist, n. — anthroposophical, adj.


ergonomics. — biotechnologist, n. — biotechnologie, biotechnological, adj.


the science of vital and social statistics, as of the deaths, births, marriages, etc., of populations. — demographer, n. — demographic, adj.


the study of human activities and social conditions. — demological, adj.


a hatred of people.


the study of the various factors affecting man in his working environment. Also called biotechnology. — ergonomic, adj.


a branch of anthropology that studies and describes individual human cultures. — ethnographer, n. — ethnographic, ethnographical, adj.


the science proposed by John Stuart MUI for the study of the character formation in humans. — ethologic, ethological, adj.


the study of the traditions of a particular people in custom, song, story, belief, etc. — folklorist, n.


any of the two-legged primates, extinct or living, including man. — hominid, adj.


1. a small man or midget.

2. the microcosmic human form formerly believed to be present in spermatozoon.


1. any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values, and dignity are taken to be of primary importance, as in moral judgments.

2. a devotion to or study of the humanities.

3. a theory of the life of man as a responsible being behaving independently of a revelation or deity. Also called naturalistic, scientific, or philosophical humanism. — humanist, n. — humanistic, adj.


1. a creature resembling man, as one of man’s early ancestors.

2. Science Fiction. any manlike creature from another planet. — humanoid, adj.


the figurative description of man as a miniature universe.

misanthropism, misanthropy

a hatred or distrust of all people. — misathrope, n. — misanthropic, adj.


the theory that the entire human race is descended from a single ancestral pair. Also monogenesis, monogeny. — monogenist, n. — monogenistic, adj.

paleethnology, paleoethnology

the study of the races of early man. — paleethnologic, paleethnological, paleoethnological, adj. — paleethnologist, paleoethnologist, n.


the ethnography of the prehistorie races of man.


1. an affection for mankind, especially as manifested in the devotion of work or wealth to persons or socially useful purposes.

2. activity revealing this affection. Also called philanthropy. — philanthropist, n. — philanthropic, philanthropical, adj.


1. the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society.

2. the science of fundamental laws of social behavior, relations, institutions, etc. — sociologist, n. — sociological, adj.


the measurement of attitudes of social acceptance or rejection among members of a social grouping. — sociometrist, n. — sociometric, adj.

-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.




As the clay is in the potter’s hand, to fashion at his pleasure: so man is in the hand of Him that made him —The Holy Bible/Apocrypha

Every man is like his affliction —André Malraux

Extraordinary men, like the stones that are formed in the highest regions of the air, fall upon the earth only to be broken and cast into the furnace —Walter Savage Landor

He [man] bolts down all events, all creeds, and beliefs, and persuasions … as an ostrich of potent digestion gobbles down bullets and gun flints —Herman Melville

Human as a kiss —Vance Thompson

Human beings are like timid punctuation marks sprinkled among the incomprehensible sentences of life —Jean Giraudoux

Humanity is like people packed in an automobile which is traveling down the highway without lights on a dark night at terrific speed and driven by a four-year old —Lord Dunsany

It is with men as with horses; those who do the most prancing make the least progress —Baron de Stassart


Like leaves on trees, the race of man is found, now green in youth, now withering on the ground —Homer

Like the hours in the day, people come in two classes: the happy and the sad —Bin Ramke

Like the irresponsible black waterbugs on summer ponds, they [people in cities] crawl and circle and hustle about idiotically, without aim or purpose —O. Henry

Man … cometh up, and is cut down, like a flower —The Book of Common Prayer

Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman, a rope over an abyss —Friedrich Nietzsche

Man is as full of potentiality as he is of impotence —George Santayana

Man is like a ball tossed betwixt the wind and the billows —Friedrich von Schiller

A man is like a letter of the alphabet: to produce a word, it must combine with another —Benjamin Mandelstamm

A man is like all earth’s fruit, you preserve him dry or pickled —Hayden Carruth

Man is like a musical box. An imperceptible jolt, and he plays a different tune —Ludwig Boerne

Man is like a precious stone: cut and polished by morals, adorned by wisdom —Isaac Halevi Satanov

Mankind is like the Red Sea: the staff has scarcely parted the waves asunder, before they flow together again —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A man like a watch is to be valued for his goings —Turkish proverb

Man’s like a bird all the days of his breath, and pleasures are nets that allure him to death —Judah Al-Harizi

Man’s like a candle in a candlestick made up tallow, and a little wick —John Bunyan

Men are like bricks, alike but placed high or low by chance —John Webster

Men are like ciphers: they acquire their value merely from their position —Napoleon Bonaparte

Men are like ears of corn: the emptier the head the more and the lower they stoop —Moritz Gottlieb Saphir

Men are like nuts; you can’t tell what they’re like till they’re broken —Phyllis Bottome

This simile marks the opening of Bottome’s story, A Lost Leader.

Men are like plants; the goodness and flavor of the fruit proceeds from the peculiar soil and exposition in which they grow —Michel Guillaume Jean de Crèvecoeur

Men are like the herbs of the field; while some are sprouting, others are withering —Babylonian Talmud

Men are like strange dogs … walk right up to them, bold as life, and they’re as gentle as ducks —Owen Johnson

Men are like the stars: some generate their own light while others reflect the brilliance they receive —José Marti

Men are like trees … each one must put forth the leaf that is created in him —Henry Ward Beecher

Men are like weasels: weasels drag and lay up and know not for whom, and men save and hoard and know not for whom —Talmud

Men, like peaches and pears, grow sweet a little while before they begin to decay —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Others are to us like the ‘characters’ in fiction, eternal and incorrigible —Mary McCarthy

People are like planks of wood: soft until seasoned —St. John De Chevecoeur

People are mostly layers of violence and tenderness, wrapped like bulbs —Eudora Welty

People are somewhat like novels, we operate on beginnings, middles, and ends —Charles Johnson

In Johnson’s novel, Faith and the Good Thing, the simile includes this parenthetical comment: “Don’t make too much of that simile.”

People are very much like flagstaffs. Some flagstaffs are very tall and prominent and some are small —Harry Emerson Fosdick

Fosdick’s simile continued with the following observation: “But the glory of a flagstaff is not its size but the colors that it flies. A very small flagstaff flying the right colors is far more valuable than a very tall one with the wrong flag.”

The race of men is like the race of leaves. As one generation flourishes another decays —Homer

Some individuals are like a brush heap, a helter-skelter, miscellaneous pile of twigs and branches —Harry Emerson Fosdick

Some men are like Einstein’s theory of relativity; nobody at home understands them —Anon

Some men are like pyramids, which are very broad where they touch the ground, but grow narrow as they reach the sky —Henry Ward Beecher

Some men are like rifles with plenty of powder but no bullet … a great flow of language but no thought —Sylvanys Stall

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Arkadaşlar bence öncelikli olarak şu ortada dönen kavramların ne olduğunu irdeleyelim. Bu konuda da ciddi sıkıntılar var bence.

Kimse ezberini bozmak istemiyor. Tutturmuslar bir evrim, butun kavramlari oyle algilamak istiyorlar. Halbuki her kavramin ilgili oldugu dalindaki anlami farkli olabilir. Onemli olan kavrami algilamak ve kavrami bir dala konuya hapsetmemektir.

Ama beyinler ezberci olunca bu kacinilmaz oluyor.

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Kimse ezberini bozmak istemiyor. Tutturmuslar bir evrim, butun kavramlari oyle algilamak istiyorlar. Halbuki her kavramin ilgili oldugu dalindaki anlami farkli olabilir. Onemli olan kavrami algilamak ve kavrami bir dala konuya hapsetmemektir.

Taksonomi ve sistematik canlıların sınıflandırmalarını yapan bilimdir. Bu seviyeler genetik ve filogenetik analizlerle denerek, test edilerek belirlenir. Bu işi yapanların hepsi materyalisttir. Bilim sana uymuyorsa bilemem.

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Yahu bunların bilimsel terminolojide geçerliliği yok. Halkın kullandığı bir kelimedir kind. Bu başlıkta biyoloji tartışıyoruz. Bak sana bir resim koyuyorum, resimdeki rütbelerden hangisi kind oluyor?


En azindan okuma zahmetine katlansaydin, en azindan ezberin sarsilirdi. Ama nerde sizin ezberiniz sizde artik birer iman halini almis. Ne zaman ona karsi bir seyle karsilasiyorsunuz, arastirmadan sorusturmadan okumadan hemen ezberci imaniniza sariliyorsunuz.

Iste iman boyle bir sey, beyinleri bilgiye bilince kapatan bir illet.

O yuzden imanin sadece dinde oldugunu zannetme. Ezberlerde ideolojilerde her turlu aklin takintisi da birer imandir.

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Arkadaşlar bence öncelikli olarak şu ortada dönen kavramların ne olduğunu irdeleyelim. Bu konuda da ciddi sıkıntılar var bence.

Epistemolojist, ontoloji düşmanı, insanı sadece farkındalık yetisi olduğu için üstün kılınmış birisi olarak gören, bir de üstüne vazife olmayan işlere karışan bir filozofla tartışıyorum. Materyalizme karşı bu kişi.

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Taksonomi ve sistematik canlıların sınıflandırmalarını yapan bilimdir. Bu seviyeler genetik ve filogenetik analizlerle denerek, test edilerek belirlenir. Bu işi yapanların hepsi materyalisttir. Bilim sana uymuyorsa bilemem.

Bilim bana degil materyalizme uymaz. Bilimin temeli epistemolojiktir varliga degil; bilgiye dayanir, varliga degil; gozlemine dayanir, gercege degil olguya dayanir, inanca ideolojiye degil; bilimsel teori teste ve yanlislanabilirlige dayanir.

Cagdaslas ve bozartikj su klasik bilim ezberini. Varligin kendisini ortaya koyma cabani.

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Şu başlığı bir özetlesen diyorum.

Sen ne diyorsun özetle?

Sperm seçimini nasıl açıklıyorsun? (tabi böyle bir şeyin, seçim kavramının nasıl olduğunu da anlatmalısın ilk önce, benim bildiğim seçim veya seçilim yok, hedefe ulaşabilme var)

Özet geç :)

Sperm secimi. Random ve dogal secilimdir. Ortada bilinc ya da tasarlayici yoktur. Hangi spermin dollendigi de o an sartlara ve duruma v.s. baglidir. Yani ortada tesadufi rastgele v.s. degil; sartlarin getirdigi bir dogal secilim vardir bu da randomdur.

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Cagdaslas ve bozartikj su klasik bilim ezberini. Varligin kendisini ortaya koyma cabani.

Ben kendi çağımın çağdaşıyım Evrensel. Sen 18.yy'ın filozoflarının çağdaşısın.

Kavonozdan kurtçuk çıkması gibi çürütülmüş şeylere inandığını gördüm.

Bir de bunu evrim sanıyorsun. Kendin bir şey bilmediğin için sürekli copy-paste yapıyorsun.

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