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1 saat önce, zeus- yazdı:

Adamlar zamanında facebook youtube google twitter gibi pek çok siteyi kapattı. Tayyip gibi bir pisliğin yönettiği ülkede normaldır.


Milyonlarca gerizekalı Tayyip şerefsizine oy veriyor. İnsanlık tarihinin en gerzek en beyinsiz halkı türkleridir. Aziz Nesin'in dediği gibi türk halkının çoğunluğu gerizekalı. Tayyip gibi bir boka bu halk % 50 oy veriyor.


Türkiye bokunda boğuluyor.


- Cahil halk diye bir şey yoktur. Dünyanın bütün halkları cahildir. Günümüz şartlarında ülkeyi yöneten kiş bahçıvandır ve ülkenin insanları onun bitkileridir.

Türkiye Osmanlı mirasını atlatamamıştır. Siyasetçiler halklarını sevmiyorlar. (kendi kendilerini de sevmiyorlar, çok cahiller).

Bilgisiz oldukları nokta şudur:

AB ülkelerinde devlet insanlara okul, üniversite, sağlık hizmeti, emeklilik/işsizlik sigortası veriyor. Yani devlet halkı koruyup kolluyor. Canı isteyen bir yandan çalışıp bir yandan Üniversiteye gidebiliyor. Aileden para bile almasına gerek yok çünkü devlet bunlara yurt + kira yardımı yapıyor. Yani vatandaşın sırtı pek. Güçlü ve kendine güvenen insanlar / bireyler oluyorlar.

Kanada/ABD/İngiltere/Avustralya'da bu yok. Üniversite paraları binlerce pond ile ölçülüyor. (İngiltere biraz farklı). Ama onlarda da kendine güvenen, çok çalşışan, girişken olan insanların çok çabuk yükselebilmesi diye bir şey var. Yani orada da işçi / amele sınıfı, daha cahil de olsa, güçlü ve kendine güvenen bir kitledir.

Burada, maalesef, gelen giden herkes (bir iki kişi hariç) halkı ya dövüyor, ya sömürüyor, ya da dolandırıyor.

- Dediğim gibi, bu eski yöntemdir. Eskiden bol bol cahil köylü (yiyecek üretmesi için) ve bol bol asker gerekiyordu (malum nedenlerle).

Şimdi mühendis, avukat, yenilikçi, yazar, devrimci, girişimci vs. lazım.


Yani Trump gibi Lepen gibi adamlar orada da çıkıyor. Mallık orada da var. İşte kanıt. Ama bu iş böyle olmaz.


/Bir de sahte bilgiye dikkat edelim. Ayrı başlıkta ele alacaktım. Ama yok masondu, yok Dünyayı yöneten kötülük güçleri idi, BOP idi, Kürdistan projesiydi bunlar da ayrı bir saygısızlıktır ve bunlara inanmak d açok kolaydır.

Bu yüzden ben hep iki şeye bağlı kalmışımdır:

1) Doğaya. Bir şey tabiata uygun mu? Evrenin kurallarına uygun mu? İnsan doğasına ters mi?

2) Bilim. Bilimsel yasalara uygunluk var mı? İnsana hizmet ediyor mu?

- Piyasada bir sürü saçma sapan kitap var (harun Yahya filan). Okuyunca inanması çok kolay. O yüzden bilimse yaklaşım daha iyidir.

Bu şekilde yaparsak, o şey bir yerden kopacak zaten. Kopmazsa dışardan gelip kopartacaklar. O açıdan söylüyorum.

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Soyle bir haber buldum. Galiba soylendigi gibi sahte darbe yuzunden:


Dünyanın en büyük internet ansiklopedisi olarak bilinen Wikipedia sitesine Türkiye'den erişim engellendi. Yasak sadece Türkçe versiyon olan Vikipedi sayfasına değil tüm alan adlarına uygulanmış görünüyor ve Wikipedia sitesinin hiçbir versiyonuna sabah saat 08:00 sularından bu yana giriş yapılamıyor.

Habertürk TV tarafından yetkililerden alınan bilgiye göre, Wikipedia içerisinde Türkiye'yi terörle aynı düzlemde gösteren içerikler tespit edilerek bununla ilgili girişimler başlatıldı. Site yetkilileriyle gerekli yazışmaların yapılmasının ardından söz konusu içeriklerin kaldırılmadığı tespit edildiği için Wikipedia sitesine erişim engeli konuldu.

Ulaştırma, Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanlığından alınan bilgiye göre, Wikipedia'ya söz konusu içeriklerin kaldırılması için uyarılarda bulunulduğu belirtildi.

Yetkililer, "teröre karşı iş birliği yapmak yerine, Türkiye'ye uluslararası arenada karalama kampanyası yapan çevrelerin parçası olarak hareket eden bir bilgi kaynağı haline gelmesi" gerekçesiyle erişim engeli uygulamasına başvurulduğunu bildirdi.


İçeriğinde mahkeme kararları da bulunan Türkiye'nin taleplerinin yerine getirilmesi halinde siteye erişim engelinin kaldırılacağı vurgulandı.

Türkiye'nin ilgili kurumları, son dönemde çeşitli sosyal medya şirketleri ve internet siteleriyle temaslarını yoğunlaştırırken, söz konusu mecralardan şu adımları atmalarını talep ediyor:

- Türkiye'de temsilcilik açılması,

- Uluslararası hukuka uygun hareket edilmesi,

- Mahkeme kararlarının uygulanması,

- Türkiye'ye yapılan karartma ve operasyonların bir parçası olmamaları.

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On 01.05.2017 at 13:13, MRmanas said:


batı gerçektende özgür . mesela ingilterede gandhi filmi çekilmişti . korkunç ingiliz sömürgesini kendileri gözler önüne sermişti. 

Filmin cekilmesinin otesinde, gandhi'yi oynayan ben kingsley kralice tarafindan sovalye yapildi. 

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On ‎2‎.‎5‎.‎2017 at 22:34, Boyla Kutlug yazdı:

RTE'ye "Kendine karşı sahte darbe düzenleyen liderler listesinde" yer verdiği için Wikipedia yasaklandı.
Şii'ler 2014 wikishia'yı kurdular. RTE'de kendine övgü düzen bir ansiklopedi kurabilir.


/ Bu devirde o da olmaz. Ben Wikipedia'yı üniversiteden beri kullanıyorum. Öğrencileri filan düşünmüyorlar mı? Yok öyle "onu isterim, bunu isterim". O zaman bi zahmet kendine bilgisayar alsın. Aynı kalitede bir ansiklopediyi kendi yapsın.


- Ben 2-3 senedir eski ansiklopedileri atmayı veya vermeyi düşünüyordum. Bu kafayla giderse bilgisayar yerine daktilo alıcam, araştırmaları da 90'lardan kalma Ana-Britanica ile filan yapcam.


Güphegündüz, sanki porno sitelerine girer gibi kaçak Wikipediaya giriyoruz. Lise'de olsa bunun için dayak yerdim.  

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Miror Sİtesi yapsalar çok rahatlayacağım.


Tor Browser diye (TC hükümetinin yasakladığı) çok yararlı bir alet var. Onu edindim. Da Spyware girer mi? Bilgisayarı oradan izleyip verirleri reklam ajanslarına mı verecekler bilmiyorum.

Hacker siteleri gibi Mirror sayfa oluştursalar da oradan baksak. (Herifler Ansiklopediyi kestiler)

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  • 1 month later...

İnternet üzerinden bilgi edinmek isteyenlerin en büyük başvuru kaynağı Wikipedia, ya da onun Türkçe versiyonu olan Vikipedia…

Daha doğrusu bu internet siteleri idi…

Ne yazık ki, 2001 yılından beri hizmet vermekte olan bu sitelere, aylardır erişim engeli uygulanıyor.

Ulaştırma, Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanlığı, Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu(BTK), yerel bir mahkemeye başvurarak bu sitelere erişimin engellenmesi kararı aldırdı.

Mahkemenin bu kararı almasında; Wikipedia’da Türkiye’yi terörle aynı düzlemde gösteren içerikler olduğu savı etkili olmuş.

Özellikle iki konuda yazılan yazılara tepki var;

İlkinin başlığı; “Devlet Destekli Terörizm!”

Diğeri ise; “Suriye İç Savaşında Yabancı Katılım!”

Bu yazıların sitelerden çıkarılması için BTK ile Wikipedia yönetimi arasında yazışmalar yapılmışsa da bir sonuç alamayınca, mahkeme kararıyla siteler kapatıldı..


"Devlet Destekli Terörizm!”



Turkey is a prominent supporter of Hamas,[164][165][166] which is designated a terrorist organization by Israel,[167] the United States,[168] and the European Union.[169]Turkey considers Hamas a legitimate political party,[170][171] and this position is shared by Russia[172] and China.[173] Turkey's support for Hamas includes providing them with headquarters in Istanbul[164] and prominently inviting the leadership to public receptions and AKP congresses.[164]

Al-Qaeda and the Army of Conquest — Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia have supported the Army of Conquest, a coalition of Salafist and Islamist Syrian rebel groups.[174] The coalition includes the al-Nusra Front (the Syrian affiliate of al-Qaeda) and Ahrar al-Sham, but it also included non-al-Qaeda-linked Islamist factions, such as the Sham Legion, that have received covert arms support from the United States.[175] According to The Independent, some Turkish officials admitted giving logistical and intelligence support to the command center of the coalition, but denied giving direct help to al-Nusra, while acknowledging that the group would be beneficiaries. It also reported that some rebels and officials claim that material support in the form of money and weapons to the Islamist groups was being given by Saudis with Turkey facilitating its passage.[176] Al-Ahram reported that President Obama of the United States chose not to confront Saudi Arabia and Qatar over the issue at a May 2015 meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council, although al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham troops made up 90% of the troops in the Idlib region, where they were making substantial gains against the Assad government.[177]

Turkey had reportedly criticised designation of the Nusra Front as a terrorist organisation. Feridun Sinirlioğlu had reportedly told his American interlocutors that it was more important to focus on the "chaos" that Assad has created instead of groups such as al-Nusra.[178] Al-Monitor claimed in 2013 that Turkey was reconsidering its support for Nusra. Turkey's designation of the Nusra Front as a terrorist group since June 2014 was seen as an indication of it giving up on the group.[179][180] Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Leader of the Opposition in Turkey has alleged that Erdogan and his government have supported terrorism in Syria.[181][182] In June 2014, İhsan Özkes, a parliamentarian from CHP, claimed that a directive had been signed by Turkish Interior Minister Muammer Güler, ordering the provision of support to Al-Nusra against PYD. Güler denied this claim and argued that a directive with the letterhead of the Governor's Office of Hatay could not be possibly signed by a minister, which is a direct proof of the document's inauthenticity.[183][184] Former United States Ambassador to Turkey, Francis Ricciardone claimed that Turkey had directly supported and worked with Ahrar al-Shamand al-Qaeda's wing in Syria for a period of time thinking that they could work with extremist Islamist groups and push them to become more moderate at the same time, an attempt which failed. He said that that he tried to persuade the Turkish government to close its borders to the groups, but to no avail.[185] Seymour Hersh in an article published on London Review of Books on April 17, 2014 claimed that senior US military leaders and the intelligence community were concerned about Turkey's role and stated that Erdogan was a supporter of al-Nusra Front and other Islamist rebel groups.[186]

RT reported in March 2016 that al-Nusra had pitched their camps along the Turkish border and regularly receives supply from the Turkish side near the border town of Azaz. While filming a number of vehicles coming from the Turkish side through the Bab al-Salam crossing to Azaz, the RT crew reported that Turkish military vehicles were at most a kilometre away from them. Abdu Ibrahim, head of YPG in Afrin claimed that Turkey was definitely providing support to al-Nusra. Some Syrian rebels also told RT that Turkey was providing support to ISIL and al-Nusra.[187]This claim was branded "an ugly lie" by the Turkish media and attributed to the impaired relationship between Russia and Turkey after the 2015 Russian Sukhoi Su-24 shootdownincident and to the fact that RT is a Russian state agency.[188] In October 2016, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, the Turkish foreign minister, called on the al-Nusra Front to withdraw from Aleppoand called on other Syrian rebel groups to split from Nusra.[189]

On 5 May 2017, Mehmet Görmez, the Turkish president of religious affairs, met with Harith al-Dhari,[190] an Iraqi Sunni cleric who was designated by the Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee as an "individual associated with al-Qaeda" in 2010. Al-Dhari was reported to have "provided operational guidance, financial support, and other services to or in support of al-Qaeda in Iraq."[191]

Islamic State — Turkey reportedly welcomed any anti-Assad group including Islamic State and al-Nusra fighters before the Reyhanlı bombings and wounded fighters were treated in Turkish hospitals. Turkey's border region has been used as a vital supply route by ISIL and it had earlier indiscriminately allowed fighters and weapons to flow across the border. An ISIL commander staying in Turkey told The Washington Post that most of their fighters, equipment and supplies during the beginning of the war came via Turkey.[192]Taraf claimed that Ahmet El H., one of ISIL's top commanders was treated at a Turkish hospital along with other ISIL fighters and the cost of their treatment was paid by the government.[193] Turkish Health Minister Mehmet Müezzinoğlu, on the other hand, told the media that Turkish doctors would not discriminate between patients and ISIL members could also be treated in Turkish hospitals.[194] 2014 National Intelligence Organisation scandal in Turkey caused a major controversy in Turkey. The critiques of the government claimed that the Turkish government has been providing arms to ISIL,[195][196][197][198] while the Turkish government has maintained that the trucks were bound for the Bayırbucak Turkmens, who are opposed the Assad regime in Syria.[199]

In 2014, Sky News reported that the Turkish government had stamped passports of foreigners seeking to cross the border and join ISIL.[200] However, it was also reported by Sky News that ISIL members use fake passports in order to get to Syria and Turkish officials can not easily identify the authenticity of these documents.[201][202]

Turkey has been alleged to have assisted ISIL during the Siege of Kobani. The Mayor of Kobani Anwar Moslem in an interview with Mutlu Civiroglu in September 2014 was asked about speculations in Kurdish media of Turkey assisting ISIL and a train being sent to the border carrying assistance for the ISIL. He in turn responded that the Kurds had information that 2 days before the start of the war, trains carrying forces and ammunition which were passing had an-hour-and-ten-to-twenty-minute-long stops in 3 Turkish villages and there was even evidence about this. He also said that it was attention-grabbing that ISIL was only strong to the east of Kobani but not in other directions.[203][204] Diken reported on October 1 that ISIL fighters heading towards Kobani crossed the borders from Turkey into Syria in full view of Turkish soldiers.[205] YPG commander Meysa Abdo in an op-ed written for NYTimes on October 28 claimed there is evidence that Turkish forces have allowed the Islamic State’s men and equipment to move back and forth across the border.[206] On November 29, Nawaf Khalil, a spokesman for Syria’s Kurdish Democratic Union party, reportedly said that ISIL started to attack them from all four sides for the first time, which is a direct indication of Turkey's support for ISIL.[207] Turkey's hesitation to help YPG in the fight against ISIL was reportedly caused by YPG's affiliation with PKK, but Turkey later changed its position and provided support to the Kurds.[208] Ahmet Gerdi, a KRG general, told the Turkish press that they appreciate Turkey's help in their fight against ISIL.[209]

The New York Times reported on September 13, 2014 that the US government had tried to persuade Turkey to crack down on oil being sold by ISIL but had failed. John R. Bass, the US Ambassador to Turkey, told the press in 2016 that the allegations about the Turkish government's involvement in ISIL oil trade are unfounded, citing the official apology issued by the CIA with regards to the allegations in 2014.[210] Fehim Taştekin reported on Radikalabout illegal pipelines transporting oil from nearby Syria to border towns in Turkey. This oil was sold cheap. He also indicated that many of these pipelines were demolished once his article was published.[211] Russia's Defence Ministry claimed in December 2015 that Turkey was buying oil from ISIL and released satellite images purporting to show Turkish tanker-trucks filling up with oil at an installation inside ISIL-controlled territory in Syria.[212] A footage was released by Russian spies later in December that purportedly showed thousands of trucks and tankers and trucks carrying ISIL's oil entering Turkey through Iraqi border.[213] In response to this, Serko Cevdet, the head of the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government's (KRG) energy commission, told the Turkish media that the trucks in question actually belonged to the Kurds and there was no way that ISIL could have transported them through a Kurdish controlled territory due to the ongoing conflict between the Kurds and ISIL.[214] Fawaz Gerges from the London School of Economics and Political Science argued that the claims about Turkey's involvement in ISIL oil trade are conspiracy theories.[215] A report leaked by Klassekampen in December 2015 that was put together by Rystad Energy claimed that most of the oil smuggled by the group was destined for Turkey and many smugglers and corrupt border guards facilitated in exporting it. This report was issued upon the request of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. However, when approached by the Irish media about the issue, the officials emphasized on the fact that the report represents the views of its author.[216][217]

Turkistan Islamic Party — Arab media claimed that the village of Az-Zanbaqi (الزنبقي) in Jisr al-Shughur's countryside has become a base for a massive amount of Uyghur Turkistan Islamic Party militants and their families in Syria, estimated at around 3,500. They further accused the Turkish intelligence of being involved in transporting these Uyghurs via Turkey to Syria, with the aim of using them first in Syria to help Jabhat Al-Nusra and gain combat experience fighting against the Syrian Army before sending them back to Xinjiang to fight against China if they manage to survive.[218][219] Arab news agencies reported that the Uyghurs in the Turkistan Islamic Party, the Chechens in Junud al-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham are being coordinated by Turkish intelligence to work with the Army of Conquest.[220] Turkish media agencies, on the other hand, denied this and claimed that it was a scheme of the Chinese government to promise a holy cause and new lands to Uyghur forces with Islamic tendencies, which would eventually be cited by the government as the reason for more oppressive policies towards the Uyghur people.[221] The validity of the Chinese claims had also been challenged by Sean Roberts of Georgetown University in an article on global terrorism.[222] Conversely, other reports emphasized on the Uyghur fighters' ties with ISIL, which lead to the 2017 Istanbul nightclub shooting against Turkey.[223]

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"Suriye İç Savaşında Yabancı Katılım!”



The government of Turkey, a NATO member with the alliance′s second largest army, had had a relatively friendly relationship with Syria over a decade prior to the start of the civil unrest in Syria in 2011; Turkey, while joining calls for the Syrian government to end the violence,[127] initially objected to the demand voiced in August 2011 by the U.S that Bashar Assad resign.[71] Until September 2014, Turkey did not overtly participate in the international airstrikes against ISIS.[128] Turkey trained defectors from the Syrian Army on its territory, and in July 2011 a group of them announced the birth of the Free Syrian Army under the supervision of Turkish military intelligence.[129] In October 2011, Turkey began sheltering the Free Syrian Army, offering the group a safe zone and a base of operation. Together with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Turkey has also provided the rebels with arms and other military equipment. Tensions between Syria and Turkey significantly worsened after Syrian forces shot down a Turkish fighter jet in June 2012 and border clashes in October 2012.[130] In early February 2016, Reuters referred to Turkey as ″a major sponsor of the insurgency against President Bashar al-Assad″.[131]Turkey provided refuge for Syrian dissidents from early days of the Syrian conflict. In early June 2011, Syrian opposition activists convened in Istanbul to discuss regime change,[132] and Turkey hosted the head of the Free Syrian Army, Colonel Riad al-Asaad.[133]Turkey became increasingly hostile to the Assad government's policies and came to encourage reconciliation among dissident factions. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has tried to "cultivate a favorable relationship with whatever government would take the place of Assad."[134] Since May 2012, Syrian opposition forces have been receiving arms and training from Turkey and the United States.[135][136]The Islamic Front and Ahrar ash-Sham in particular have received weapons and/or healthcare services from Turkey and Saudi Arabia.[137][138][139] Turkey′s involvement in the conflict has been widely seen as going beyond combating ISIL and supporting moderate rebels: Turkey has been accused of fighting against Kurdish forces in Syria, as well as in Iraq, including intelligence collaborations with ISIL in some cases.[140][141] The conclusion of a highly classified assessment made by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 2013 was that Turkey had effectively transformed the secret U.S. arms program in support of moderate rebels, who in effect no longer existed, into an indiscriminate program to provide technical and logistical support to all elements of the opposition, including Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State.[142] Turkey's subsequent arrangements with Russia and Iran (from early 2017) caused a rift in its relationship with the Syrian opposition, as the opposition leaders criticized Russia′s plan to create safe zones in Syria as threatening the country’s territorial integrity.[143]

Turkey maintained a small enclave within Syria itself, the Tomb of Suleyman Shah on the right bank of the Euphrates in Aleppo Province near the village of Qarah Qawzak (Karakozak). The Tomb is guarded by a small permanent garrison of Turkish soldiers, who rotate in from a battalion based at the Turkish border some 25 kilometres (16 mi) away—even as the civil war unfolded around them.[144] Up until Syrian forces shot down a Turkish warplane in June 2012, the garrison numbered 15 men in total. Following the incident, the Turkish government doubled the number of soldiers stationed at the tomb to 30, while Prime Minister Erdoğan warned that "the tomb of Suleyman Shah and the land that surrounds it are Turkish territory. Any act of aggression against it would be an attack on our territory and NATO territory." In February 2015, the army launched a raid into Syria in order to move the tomb closer to the border.

Turkey had repeatedly said it wanted the U.S. to focus its air strikes in Syria as much on removing Assad as on fighting the ISIL; it had also demanded a "safe zone" in the area extending from the Syrian town of Kobanî on the Turkish border, westward to the town of Azaz, that would be protected by air power and that was purported to enable Turkey to transfer back to Syria some of an estimated 1.8 million displaced people camped on Turkish territory.[145]

On 22 July 2015, Turkey agreed to let the U.S. use the Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey to launch air attacks against the ISIL, a deal that was seen as a major shift in policy on the part of the once-reluctant American ally[145] (in March 2003, the Turkish parliament voted against allowing Turkey to be a base of operations for the U.S. invasion of Iraq[146]).

At the end of July 2015, American and Turkish media outlets reported that the U.S. government and Turkey had agreed on the outlines of a de facto "safe zone" along the Turkey-Syria border under the terms of a deal that was purported to increase the scope and pace of the U.S.-led air missions against the ISIL in northern Syria; the plan provided for driving ISIL, the al-Nusra Front, and other radical groups out of a 68-mile-long area west of the Euphrates River and reaching into the province of Aleppo that would then come under the control of the Syrian opposition.[147][148] The operational status of the envisioned area was to stop short of meeting Turkish demands for a full-scale, declared no-fly zone.[147] In August 2015, the U.S. announced it would withdraw two Patriot missile-defense batteries from southern Turkey in the autumn that year;[149] also withdrawn were the German Patriots stationed in Turkey,[150] amidst concerns in the NATO military establishment that Turkey was intent on dragging NATO into the Syrian conflict in pursuit of its own parochial interests.[151]

In late July 2015, Turkey resumed fightingagainst the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party(PKK) in the Kurdish-dominated southeastern parts of Turkey. On 29 June 2015, Turkey′s National Security Council made a decision and released a statement that said that Turkey would consider any incursion west of the Euphrates in northern Syria along the Turkish border (the area between Jarablus in the east and the Azaz–Mare' region in the west) by Kurdish YPG militia, backed by the Democratic Union Party (PYD), as well as any attack north of Idlib by Syrian government forces to be a violation of the “red line.”[152](The PYD is deemed by Turkey to be the Syrian affiliate of PKK, but it is actively aided by the U.S.[152]) At the end of October 2015, Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoğluclaimed that Turkey had struck Kurdish militia fighters in Syria twice for the alleged breach of the "red line"; the YPG′s statements said that the Turkish army had twice attacked its positions near the border towns of Tell Abyadand Kobanî.[153] In mid-November 2015, president Recep Erdoğan reaffirmed this threat not to allow Syrian Kurds to cross over to the western side of the Euphrates along the Turkish border.[154]

On 24 November 2015, speaking shortly after the shootdown of a Russian Su-24 by Turkey, Russian president Vladimir Putincharacterised the role played by Turkey in the Syrian conflict as that of "the accomplices of terrorists."[155][156] Russia′s foreign minister Sergey Lavrov noted that the Turkish plan to create a buffer zone in the area where Syrian Turkmen lived in northern Syria stemmed from Ankara's wish to protect local terrorist infrastructure: "According to the latest information, the area which our Turkish colleagues deem to be populated by Syrian Turkmen not only accommodates several hundreds, or thousands, of militants - citizens of the Russian Federation, as the [Russian] president said yesterday, who present a direct threat to our security, security of our people but also, according to the available information, that area accommodates infrastructures of the militants, including arms and ammo depots, command centers, and logistics centers." [157][158] Several Turkish and Western analysts, while not questioning that ISIS oil was being imported into Turkey, argued that Moscow′s accusations of the Turkish government in this regard were not well-founded.[159][160]

In late November 2015, following Russian President Putin directly accusing Turkey of aiding ISIL and al-Qaeda, Turkey came under pressure from the U.S. to close the remaining crossing point for ISIL militants on a 60-mile stretch of the border with Syria where ISIL had control of the Syrian side. The crossing had been used to export crude oil originating from ISIL-controlled oilfields, and for arms smuggling.[161]

On 2 December 2015, Russia′s military officials presented what they referred to as "only part of the available facts" that proved that Turkey′s president Recep Erdogan and his family were personally involved in a multimillion-dollar oil smuggling operation that funded ISIL terrorists.[162][163][164][165] The accusations were seen as further drastic escalation of tensions between Turkey and Russia that has its military personnel and advanced weapons openly deployed in Syria.[163] Both the Turkish government and the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) denied this.[166][167] Commenting on the allegations, John R. Bass, the US Ambassador to Turkey, told the press that the claims about the Turkish government's involvement in ISIL oil trade were unfounded, citing the official apology issued by the CIA with regards to the allegations in 2014.[168][169]

In late December 2015, in an interview for Al Arabiya Turkey′s president Recep Erdogan said, "Syria, Iran, Iraq and Russia have formed a quartet alliance in Baghdad and asked Turkey to join, but I told President [Vladimir] Putin that I cannot sit alongside a president whose legitimacy is distrustful."[170]

After Syria′s Kurdish militia (YPG) captured Syria′s Menagh Airbase and several settlements north of Aleppo near the border with Turkey, Turkey on 13 February 2016 began a sustained campaign of shelling the YPG positions in the area of Azaz from its territory.[171][172][173] In response to this action qualified by Syria as a violation of its sovereignty as well as the alleged infiltration into Syria of "Turkish soldiers or Turkish mercenaries", the Syrian government requested that the UN Security Council take action.[174] The attempt by Russia on 19 February 2016 to have an appropriate resolution adopted by the UN Security Council was undermined by Western powers, including the U.S., the UK, and France.[175][176]

On 24 February 2015, president Erdogan speaking on television of the tentative plan for a cessation of hostilities in Syria announced by Russia and the U.S. two days prior, accused the UN, the West, Russia and Iran of seeking to further their own interests in Syria and said he feared a U.S.-Russian ceasefire plan would do little more than benefit Syria′s president Bashar Assad.[177]

Several days after the truce came into effect, in early March 2016, the Kurdish YPG in an interview by Russian media, suggested that Turkey was shipping regular supplies across its border with Syria to anti-government forces, including the al-Nusra Front.[178][179]

In May 2016, in a letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Russia stated that the analysis of chemical components of explosives recovered from the ISIL in areas of Iraq's Tikrit and the Syrian city of Kobani implicated Turkish companies and "indicated that they were either manufactured in Turkey or delivered to that country without the right of re-export."[180]



Until 2015, the Turkish government had maintained a border regime that was referred to by commentators and Turkish journalists as the "Jihadist Highway" where militants including potential ISIL fighters and other radical groups could come and go freely.[222][223]

In July 2015, a raid by U.S. special forces on a compound housing the Islamic State's "chief financial officer", Abu Sayyaf, produced evidence that Turkish officials directly dealt with ranking IS members.[224]


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19 minutes ago, Yurt said:

Ne kadar yanlı Türk düşmanı bilgilerle doldurmuşlar. Yani kürtleri biliyorduk da bu Ruslar da ne arsızmış.


Yalnız Türkiye değil.

Fransa, İsrail, ABD vs bir çok ülkelerin de ismi geçiyor. Sadece Türkiyeyi karalamak için yapılan bir şey değil.

Adamlar kaynak vererek bilgileri Vikipediaya  yazmışlar.

Hiç bir batılı devlet yasaklamazken bizim Tayyip neden yasaklıyor?

Neden Türkiyeyi S.Arabistan, Çin, Afganistan gibi ülkelerle aynı "demokrasi(zlik) ligine" düşürüyor



Yazılanlar gerçek olmasın?

G*t kotkusu olmasın?



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Miror Sİtesi yapsalar çok rahatlayacağım.


Tor Browser diye (TC hükümetinin yasakladığı) çok yararlı bir alet var. Onu edindim. Da Spyware girer mi? Bilgisayarı oradan izleyip verirleri reklam ajanslarına mı verecekler bilmiyorum.

Hacker siteleri gibi Mirror sayfa oluştursalar da oradan baksak. (Herifler Ansiklopediyi kestiler)


Tor'u genel olarak kullanıyorsan bir şey demem tabii, ben de paralı VPN'lerden birini kullanıyorum yıllardır ama Wikipedia'ya girmek için bunlara gerek yok.


Örneğin ateizmi sordun, aşağıdaki link çıktı: 



Burada, "wikipedia" yazan yerin, daha doğrusu w harfinin önüne hemen sıfır(0) yaz ve tekrar tıkla. Açılacak.

Ne ararsan ara, w harfinin önüne sıfır rakamını gir. 


Çoğunluk muhtemelen biliyordur ama ben yine de yazayım dedim.

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